Thursday, May 14, 2009

went to pondok indah mall,and then me and kenny fitness together i thing this is not fitness, we dance hip hop at celebrity fitness, yea i like that style..and then we walked around pim,get some drinked at sumpit,mmm...i felt hungry that time,but i dont have money again,i spend my money to buy some locked for my locker shit...i left almost 50 thousand and 50 thousand thats all my money i bought..damn,i thing this day i wouldnt happen again to bought 50 thousand .. is not enough mom :( and then today we have some class again at 4 aclock this afternoon..mmm wait something happen at locker room,kenny thirsty dan kita ga bawa minum KENNY MINUM MINUMAN ORANG,ABIS LAGI , AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH BEGO